
Bertha E. Kings Beach, CA

"Marianne is an extraordinary teacher, Healer and guide.  Great place for rich experiences in ceremony, healing modalities and for general well being.  I have been seeing Marianne for several years now.  I am beyond grateful for the guidance and wisdom I have received from Marianne.  She has such a loving and comforting presence, and her connection to spirit and angels is undeniable.  I have taken many of her workshops, and have found profound shifts that have completely change my life for the better.  If your struggling with something and or are needing help.  She is the ultimate resource, she truly is a gift of light, I highly recommend Marianne for those of you who are curious to experience the gift of reiki or other healing modalities or you have had the opportunity to receive the gift, you won't be disappointed."

Ingrid S. Truckee, CA

"I would love to share my experience with the healing hands of Marianne.  I didn't know what reiki was, but I did know I wanted to try it. It was meant for me to do it with Marianne because it was spontaneous.   I stepped into the office and somebody had canceled, so it was my time.  From the first time it was amazing, I could feel the energy.  I was really calm, balanced and laughing, so I knew something was working. Since then I have seen Marianne lots of times, either my mind body or mind were out of balance and I knew I could find new balance under her hands. I could feel the energy releasing my heart aches, back aches and lots of emotional baggage. It is like a peeling an onion, so it is a process but it works. What is amazing for me is I don't even tell her what is bothering me or were I am stuck, but Marianne is always on the spot.  Afterwards she tells me what is happening with my body and tells me where I was stuck and it is always true.

I also have a 6 years old boy Tomasko who is really sensitive, has lots of allergies and very stuffed up nose. I asked Marianne to work on him too. It was amazing to see him coming from session glowing and being more centered, also easing his allergies.  Marianne gives him tools to use to help him with his sensitivity which he is using every day. He loves to come back and get his reiki done because he can feel the difference too. He recommends reiki to people and he is much more grounded, even learned to release some of his fears.

Thank you for sharing your healing hands with us and if anybody is wondering, reiki does work. Marianne is kind and has a lot of knowledge, patience with kids and us big kids.  It is my and Tomasko’s privilege to meet her and have our onions peeled by her hands.   Thank you I believe that this is changing our lives in the right direction."

Jessica B. Sacramento, CA
Marianne worked with me a few years ago. One in-person Reiki Energy Healing session and several long distance sessions, for myself, and my children:
I wanted to say thank you and express how much gratitude I have for you. You introduced me to Reiki. I was so skeptical. I wanted so badly, to believe it was real.  However, my brain and heavy mental issues as well as many emotions, were clouding me at the time.
You were always patient and understanding of me and I thank you profusely for that. I am now 100% in love with Reiki because of your introduction to it and your guidance through our sessions. So much so, last year I completed an Energy Healing and Reiki Master certification course and completed the first certification phase of a sound therapy course. And I am turning this all into my own business!
Because of your loving, patient way and your skills, you helped me grow, you helped me open my eyes, and to see the world of energy work and how amazing and fascinating and how real it is. As I have been going through my practicing portion and trying enhance my skill's and believe that I could actually do this, I have experience so many things that I may not have been prepared for had it not been for you. Especially through the distance sessions, those were the toughest ones for me to believe in, but as I began to experience for myself, I could see so much of what you did for me. You helped me turn a corner, you opened a door for me that I never knew existed and you guided me in this direction, where for the very first time ever, I feel as though I have found my calling.
Thank you, thank you for everything. I wish I could convey better how much you have helped to change my life. I am sure you changing lives all the time, but you have impacted me so deeply, I will forever be grateful to you and will always hold our experiences dear in my heart.
All My Love and Appreciation,
Amy E. Los Angeles, CA

Oh, how I love the energy work, that I get to do with Marianne!  My first Reiki session with Marianne was close to 4 years ago.  I was so excited for my visit and my session was nothing short of life changing.  I had recently gone through a bad breakup and was dealing with some pretty big health issues. I wasn't in a very good place to say the least.   When my session was over I felt an enormous weight was lifted off of my shoulders.  I could breathe again and the calming energy I had felt incredible. I had a cleansing of my mind, body and soul. After that experience I was hooked.  Since then I try to visit Marianne every time I make to the Tahoe area, which isn't nearly enough. 🙂 While I was up in Tahoe City last summer I had a session with Marianne and was thrilled to learn that she does remote sessions.  I was interested in having energy work done more often than once or twice a year but really trusted Marianne and didn't want to have to search for a new healer.  She let me know how the process works and I was excited to have my first session.

Over the past year I've had several remote/distance sessions with Marianne.  They have, all been impactful, have provided significant insight as to what was going on in my life, and suggestions, for how I might want to approach different changes I was seeking.  It has allowed me to take pauses in my life and get centered and balanced.  It's amazing to me how well this works remotely and I'm so grateful for the healing that can be done with Marianne.  I typically set an alarm on my phone to remind me of my session time and I always make sure to take a few deep breaths and smile knowing that great work is about to be done. I'm looking to make a move to the east coast and am happy to know that I can continue my Reiki sessions with Marianne no matter where I am in the world.  I highly recommend this option if you can't be with Marianne for an in-person session.

I'm so grateful for being able to continue to blessed by the healing energy Reiki provides me in my life and to have such a wonderful friend to help guide me through it all.

To quote Marianne....In light and love.

Liz R. Kings Beach, CA

I tried my first Raindrop Reiki session with Marianne in 2011 during a three week cleanse through Naturamed.  I was skeptical about the benefits of Reiki before I tried the session, but I was open minded to trying it.  As I lay on my stomach the essential oils penetrated into my feet and my back and spine.  Marianne said I was releasing emotion because I felt very cold areas on my back.  Warm areas mean you are releasing physically.  I remember Marianne "pulling" with her hand and as she did so she commented to my husband Mike, who was sitting in the infrared sauna, saying, "yuuuuch... that is stickie icky."  About a week after this Raindrop Reiki session I realized something had changed in me.  The previous year or so I was feeling an anxiety, a paranoia that was a dark feeling that washed over me occasionally when I was tired or  overwhelmed.  It occurred a few times a week, and I felt it in my stomach like knots or butterflies.  I don't know if this feeling originated from emotional trauma or physical trauma in my life.  But I had a distinct awareness that this sensation of darkness was gone.  Somehow Marianne cleared it from my body and I was aware that I literally felt lighter.  

Most recently I had a Raindrop Reiki session on a Saturday where I received energy from 5 people.  The following Wednesday night I realized that I hadn't cried at night since the Reiki session.  I was crying nearly every night for about four months since I went through a really rough patch in my life.  I had experienced a lot of loss and death in the previous four months, the saddest of which was my dog passing away. I deeply missed her companionship.  The sadness came in waves  and the waves lasted for minutes or hours at a time.  I realized on Wednesday night that I was happy and I hadn't cried that day.  Wait! I hadn't cried the previous four days.  I cannot explain how, but Marianne helped pushed out the sadness that I was ready to let go of.  I felt emotionally lighter, I felt less stressed and I felt in control of my life again.

Jen Alabama

"I had the pleasure of meeting Marianne for an in-person Reiki session while on travel to Lake Tahoe last summer. I’d heard of distance Reiki but had always been skeptical to try it. In my first moments with Marianne it was clear to me she’s the “real deal” and I experienced profound results from my very first session.

After returning home I decided to give distance Reiki a try. For the first session we scheduled I set the time aside to lie down still, clear my mind and breathe as she worked. After the session she sent me a summary which was spot on in so many ways I could hardly believe it. Every distance session I’ve had with Marianne has resulted in significant progress for me personally, whether through revelations from the session or direction she has given me to follow as a result of what she picked up.

I don’t really understand how or why it works but in each session she seems to tune right into where I am and what I’m working through in my life at that time. I’ve long been a hard core, left brain, pragmatist but I’ve come to accept that just because I can’t understand or define something does not make it any less real. Marianne comes with my highest recommendation."