Usui Reiki Training Level 2
Taught by Marianne Schneider
Usui Reiki training level 2 is an opening to a whole new dynamic level of reiki. Usui Reiki is where all reiki stem’s from. There are many other types of Reiki out there now, and in fact we teach a great many of them. We believe learning Usui as a root to the other systems out there will help you in your Reiki Journey, wherever that may take you. We still use Usui and integrate it, into all of our healing sessions. Working with the masters through the lineage back to Usui himself. Usui level 2 is the next step on your healing path as well as basis for the work you will do in any type of Reiki.
You will learn 5 new healing symbols. The hand positions as well as using your intuition for working on others. How to go deeper with your own self-healing. How distance healing works and how to clear spaces & items; how to manifest things with reiki; how to cut energetic cords; work with the chakras on others, how to trust your intuition plus much more.
You will need to have completed Usui Level 1 before taking this class.
A note from Marianne: Although Usui Reiki is where I started over 20 years ago, I no longer teach just Usui Reiki. I choose to teach an updated and upgraded version of Angelic Reiki. Within Angelic reiki the Usui symbols are taught along with self healing and so much more. The methodology is slightly different in how the session is given, but with the shifting and upgrading of energies, that we as a planet have been going through, Angelic Reiki (which is a lot more than just working with angels) is a more current and flowing energy system of reiki. You can start Angelic training with no past training in Reiki or if you already are a master.
When I first heard of Angelic Reiki, I thought, “well I already work with the angels and masters, I don’t need that class!” Boy, was I wrong in my thinking. Angelic Reiki is so much more than words can describe.
For more information on Angelic Reiki, please click here: