High Sierra Report Part 2 Interview
Reiki Interview Part 2 with High Sierra Report in S. Lake Tahoe.
We are living in interesting times these days. There are events and people in the world who make us question humanity. They make us question who we are and how could we be part of someone or something who acts out of anger, hatred or other low vibrations. They make us feel the separateness in …
Over 10 years ago now I studied at the Academy of the Ancient Arts. Every week for a year I drove to South Lake on Tuesday’s up on Echo summit to my teachers house with my fellow students. We would spend the whole day learning. Their were only 3 of us accepted into the program …
Read more “Why I offer and do New Moon, Full Moon, Solstices and other Ritual events.”
What is Distance Reiki? How does it work? It is a hard thing to explain sometimes and is something to be experienced. As the picture above says, “where attention goes, energy flows.” Think for a moment: Your having a bad day, you call your best friend, your mom, your partner… you hear their voice and …
Fifth Element Healing Center is a combination of Reiki Tahoe and Magic Touch. The combined efforts of Marianne Schneider RMT and Evon Eisenberg RMT. Together, they have over 40 years of experience. If you wish to book with Marianne, you may do so here at Reiki Tahoe. Everything offered here is offered through Fifth Element …
Originally published in the Sierra Sun April 11th 2012. Updated February 13th, 2018 Is your child sensitive? This was me as a child. I was “Sensitive”. I was actually sensitive to the energies and the emotions around me. I felt anything and everything, to which I reacted and usually not in a healthy way. The …
Why Try Reiki – Top Five Reasons Lets start with what is Reiki? Reiki is moving old energy out of the body and putting new energy in. Whats energy? Energy is emotions, pain, laughter, stress a simple exchange of hello. You may not know it, but you are an energetic being and you exchange energy …
Forgiveness This seems to keep coming up in sessions that I give lately. What is forgiveness? Is it saying that what someone did was right or wrong? No, I believe forgiveness is giving ourselves permission to move forward freely. It allows us to free ourselves from things, people, situations that have been holding us back. When …